Sydney Growth Trains
Transport for NSW
Services our people provided
Business Case Manager
Business Case Development
Services period
January – June 2015
The More Trains, More Services program was a coordinated program to provide rail customers with more frequent and more express services, delivered by modern trains and enabled through infrastructure upgrades.
This involved coordinating inputs from the integrated project team, analysis of fleet supply and demand to inform fleet requirements during the initial stages of the project, undertaking economic and financial analyses and coordinating with the New Intercity Fleet (NIF) project to work through the fleet retirement implications of the combined projects and ensure benefits were not duplicated.
Our people’s involvement
Developed the business case program implementation plan
Developed fleet retirement and fleet cascading analyses to inform the economic and financial analyses
Collated, analysed and interpreted a range of data inputs from TfNSW to inform the project evaluation
Compiled and developed the need for investment, program definition and other analysis as required
Performed the options assessment in support of the business case
Prepared a benefits realisation plan
Coordinated inputs from the integrated project team
Drafted and developed a strategic business case, final business case and contract award assurance gate report for the Sydney Growth Trains project
Key achievements and value-add
Developed the strategic and final business cases, within tight timeframes
Developed the contract ward assurance gate review report
Successful INSW Project Assurance process