Business Cases, Investment and Economics

We develop compelling, evidence-based strategic narratives to support investment decisions for major infrastructure. We also provide innovative economic modelling, data analysis and visualisation techniques strengthen business cases to support investment.

At Etheus, we understand the importance of developing robust and compelling business cases for infrastructure projects that align with government priorities and demonstrate value for money. We have a multi-disciplinary team of experts who can provide end-to-end services from problem identification and option analysis to economic appraisal and implementation planning.

We offer a holistic and integrated business case preparation and management services that go beyond simply editing or collating third party content. We can generate storyboards and evidence and from first principles, manage multiple subject matter workstreams, and produce clear and concise business cases that meet state and federal government assurance requirements. We can help you articulate the strategic merits of your investment, provide confidence that it will deliver net benefits to the community, and develop effective strategies for its delivery.

We have extensive experience in applying best practice methodologies across various sectors, including transport, land use and housing, tourism, health, education, justice and disability. We are industry leaders in assessing social value and regional development benefits, as well as modelling alternative funding and financing scenarios. We can tailor our approach to meet the specific needs and objectives of each project and stakeholder group.

oUr services

  • Business case planning, storyboarding, and production

  • Need for investment, including quantification of problems and investment logic mapping

  • Options identification, assessment and prioritisation

  • Economic appraisal (cost benefit analysis), land use forecasting, data analysis and GIS mapping

  • Financial modelling and funding and finance strategies

  • Value management assessments and benefits realisation

  • Management of technical workstreams including design, demand modelling, cost estimation and delivery strategy

  • Business case documentation, supported by data analysis, economic modelling, GIS mapping and visualisation

  • Business case activities and content development mapped to assurance requirements

  • Hands on management, coordination and close out of assurance process

  • Peer review of business cases and technical inputs


  • Beaches Link Motorway, NSW

  • Cross River Rail, QLD

  • European Train Control System - Level 2, QLD

  • Great Western Highway Business Case, NSW

  • High Speed Rail Strategic Plan, AusGov

  • Infrastructure Priorisation for Six Cities Plans, NSW

  • Inland Rail Program, AusGov

  • Inner Brisbane City eBikes, QLD

  • Lower North Island Rail Integrated Mobility (LNIRIM), NZ

  • New Intercity Fleet, NSW

  • NSW Fast Rail Program, NSW

  • Parramatta Light Rail, NSW

  • Queensland Train Manufacturing Program (QTMP), QLD

  • Sydney Advanced Train Control System, NSW

  • Sydney Central Railway Station Footprint, NSW

  • Sydney Growth Trains, NSW

  • Sydney Metro City & Southwest, NSW

  • Sydney Metro West, NSW

  • Western Sydney Rapid Bus Project, NSW


Development Leadership


Commercial and Transaction Management