Infrastructure NSW
Services our people provided
Capital portfolio modelling
Data Analytics and Reporting
Services period
2015 to 2017
The State Infrastructure Strategy (SIS) is a 20-year infrastructure investment plan for the NSW Government that places strategic fit and economic merit at the centre of investment decisions. The SIS assesses infrastructure problems and solutions and provides recommendations on how best to grow the economy, enhance productivity, and improve living standards in NSW. It is updated every 5 years.
The Infrastructure Investor Assurance Framework (IIAF) is the applicable gateway coordination framework under the NSW Gateway Policy. The IIAF applies to capital projects developed, procured, or delivered by Government with a value of $10 million or more.
Our people’s involvement
Strategic Advisor for early-stage implementation of the IIAF
Establishment of inter-agency reporting frameworks to set expectations and promote accountability
Preparation of monthly High Performance / High Risk project reports in collaboration with agencies
Project Manager for development of an underlying capital expenditure envelope model to support the SIS
Management of technical and estimating teams to review long-term capital projects
Analysis of existing data set suitability and identification of gaps
Coordination of development of cost estimates
Key achievements and value-add
Rolled out early-stage reporting frameworks to support monthly Cabinet meetings
Developed analytics and insights regarding performance of the IIAF rollout
Coordinated reporting and produced high-quality outputs that consistently met critical milestones
Defined the approach to development and reached consensus with Government stakeholders on the structure of the capital expenditure envelope model
Successfully consulted with Government stakeholders to identify long-term infrastructure priorities
Oversaw finalisation of the capital expenditure envelope model, including collation of data for all known capital projects over the 20-year life of the SIS
Produced a high-quality report with detailed funding analysis, which was used to set the anticipated funding envelope required to deliver the SIS