Parramatta Road and Victoria Road
Integrated Transport


Transport for NSW

Services our people provided

Senior Project Manager
Business Case Advisor

Services period


The Victoria Road and the Parramatta Road Integrated Business Cases sought to address long standing economic, social, and mobility challenges within the corridors, while also capitalising on future opportunities arising from current and planned precincts and the completion of several major projects. The two business cases were developed in tandem as they served overlapping catchments.

Our involvement included leadership of both business cases with accountability for the production of all aspects, including technical design, transport planning, place-making, active transport, economics and finance, options assessment, implementation and governance.

Our people’s involvement

  • Lead, manage and coordinate both business cases and management processes

  • Managed business case activities in an integrated manner accounting for committed transport initiatives and opportunities for place improvements

  • Investigated, assessed, and proposed short term initiatives that would provide early benefits with minimal implementation risk

  • Identified preferred medium to longer-term vision for walking, cycling, road and public transport for the road corridors

  • Developed project management plans, governance plans and program for the coordination of business case activities

  • Monitor the completion of project milestones against goals and initiate corrective actions where necessary

  • Planned and managed assurance activities and close out

  • Drafted governance and government submissions


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