Transport for NSW
Services our people provided
Business Case Manager Economic and Financial Advisor
Services period
JUNE 2013 – June 2015
Sydney’s long-term plan for modernising the city’s rail network includes, as a key element, the replacement of life-expired fleet and procurement of new trains to meet forecast demand. We led the development of the preliminary and final business cases for the procurement of the New Intercity Fleet (NIF) to replace aged rollingstock and provide for expansion of network capacity.
This involved coordinating inputs from the integrated project team, undertaking economic and financial analyses, and consideration of business requirements and alternative delivery strategies. We were also responsible for developing and running a fleet supply and demand model to justify the investment in the project based on fleet numbers at the time and future customer demand from the introduction of new rail infrastructure.
Our people’s involvement
Developed the business case program implementation plan
Developed fleet retirement and fleet cascading analysis to inform the economic and financial analyses
Compiled and developed the need for investment, program definition and other analysis as required
Provided financial and business case services including coordination of stakeholder input and compilation of the business cases
Performed the financial and economic appraisals, risk assessment and options assessment in support of the business cases
Prepared of a risk management strategy, an initial procurement strategy and a benefits realisation plan
Coordinated inputs from the integrated project team
Drafted and developed the preliminary business case, followed by a final business case for the NIF trains
Key achievements and value-add from our services
Collated, analysed and interpreted a range of data inputs from TfNSW to inform the project evaluation
Set up governance structures and working groups to ensure the receipt of key information and the timely completion of the preliminary and final business cases
Developed and ran the economic and financial model to inform the cost profile for the project
Developed and ran the fleet supply and demand model to justify the investment in the project based on fleet numbers at the time and future demand from new rail infrastructure and TfNSW customers
Planned, drafted and finalised the chapters of the preliminary and final business case, within tight timeframes