Queensland Train Manufacturing Program
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
Services our people provided
Business Case Support
Transaction Management
Services period
2020 – 2023
The Queensland Train and Manufacturing Program (QTMP) is a $9.5B program of works initiated by the Queensland Dept of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to provide modern train and rail infrastructure purposed to integrate with and enhance South East Queensland’s existing train fleet. The QTMP scope of work was to deliver the provision of additional capacity and enable service uplifts to align with Cross River Rail (CRR) opening in 2025 and the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Following the strategic and final business case equivalent process completed in 2021, the project was taken to market for the design build and maintenance of an initial fleet of 65 state of the art six car passenger trains, and the construction of new manufacturing, maintenance and stabling facilities.
Our people’s involvement
Business Case
Assisted drafting business case content, options development process and implementation planning.
Transaction Management
Directed the delivery strategy development for the business case and led the development of both the EOI and RFP procurement documents including evaluation plans and reports
Managed specialist advisor inputs to the specifications and returnables required during the bid process
Managed the project information provided to bidders
Managed the interface with the bidders and set-up and controlled the data room
Provided strategic advice regarding transaction related issues
Key achievements and value-add
Successfully assisted in managing the procurement process for a complex Design Build Maintain Contract
Designed the strategy for an intensive interactive tender process which was well received by the client and the market
Assisted in providing the analysis for the long-term rollingstock manufacturing facility needed for Queensland
Assisted in providing a solution that included integrating the procurement and feasibility processes while maintaining appropriate decision points for the State.