Greater Wellington Regional Council, New Zealand
Services our people provided
Business Case
Commercial Advisor
Transaction Management
Services period
June 2022 – Present
The regional Wairarapa and Manawatū commuter rail services are a critical part of the broader regional transport network, providing a commuter alternative to road travel. These services provide regional commuters with critical and affordable access to key economic, social and health opportunities.
The scope of the preferred solution includes a new fleet of 22 four-car bi-mode trains, a simulator to support crew training, a maintenance depot located at Masterton, stabling facilities located at Wellington, Masterton and Palmerston North, station upgrades north of Upper Hutt and Waikanae and allowances for additional passing loops and other track infrastructure.
Our people’s involvement
Business Case
Assisted with development of the business case program implementation plan, and assisted to collate, analyse and interpret a range of data inputs to inform the project evaluation and detailed business case
Provided financial and economic analysis and business case services including coordination of stakeholder input and compilation of the detailed business case
Led the commercial case for the detailed business case, including delivery strategy assessment and draft procurement plan. Assisted GWRC in its funding submission, which was ultimately successful
Transaction Management
Led the development of both the EOI and RFP procurement documents including evaluation plans and reports
Developed the transaction strategy
Managed specialist advisor inputs to the specifications and returnables required during the bid process
Managed the project information provided to bidders
Managed the interface with the bidders and set-up and controlled the data room
Provided strategic advice regarding transaction related issues
Key achievements and value-add
Assisted GWRC in devising a preferred solution which will deliver inclusive access and improved mobility, increased transport network resilience, safety and reliability, improved operational efficiency, improved attractiveness of the public transport network resulting in increased mode shift and positive environmental outcomes through reduced carbon emissions
Delivered the completed business case on time and on budget
Assisted GWRC in initial readiness for market activities, and managed the development and execution of the transaction strategy