Australian Rail Track Corporation
Services our people provided
Business case
Transaction management
Services period
2014 – 2020
Inland Rail is the safe, sustainable solution to Australia’s freight challenge and will transform the way we move freight around the country. This new 1,710km freight rail line will complete the spine of the national freight rail network, providing a road competitive service that will see freight delivered from Melbourne to Brisbane, via regional Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, in less than 24 hours with reliability, pricing and availability that is equal to or better than road.
In May 2016, the Australian Government announced it will deliver Inland Rail through Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) in partnership with the private sector.
Our people’s involvement
Economic analysis and business case development
Transaction strategy
Transaction management and planning
Delivery options assessment
Development of commercial principles
Key achievements and value-add
Led the development of the economic appraisal methodology, cost benefit analysis and drafting of key sections of the business case
Quantification of key benefits estimated included reduced travel times, reliability for time sensitive freight, induced exports, reduced truck emissions and productivity benefits from industry co-locations
Prepared the economic appraisal and business case that were progressed though assurance with Infrastructure Australia
Led the development of commercial principles based on first principles and market precedent
Undertook delivery options analysis to assess the best value-for-money procurement and contracting method for each package
Developed commercial term sheets for the preferred procurement option for each package, forming the basis of each transaction
Preparing procurement documentation and engagement materials for release to market
Transaction management for each package of works
Delivered key documents to Federal Government at key milestone dates