Easing Sydney’s Congestion Program Office
Transport for NSW
Services our people provided
Project Manager
Services period
June 2017 – January 2022
The Easing Sydney’s Congestion Program Office (ESCPO), is a portfolio of works to support Sydney’s growing population, by delivering improvements to reduce traffic congestion. Key initiatives include Bus Priority Infrastructure Program, Gateway to the South Program, Pinch Point Programs, Sydney Clearways Program and Parramatta Congestion Improvement Program.
ESCPO identifies and prioritises projects to optimise the performance of existing road network, reducing congestion and improving productivity with smart, low impact solutions. ESCPO focuses on implementing critical enabling works to improve the broader transport network and delivering positive place outcomes to the local community.
Our people’s involvement
Program management for planning, developing and implementing the Pinch Point program within the ESCPO
Leading the funding request and Final Business Case development of the 2020 Stimulus Pinch Point Program
Leading Urban Mobility Program (PP4) Strategic Business Case development
Leading development and delivery of various Pinch Point projects along three state road corridors (Parramatta Road, Canterbury Road and Georges River Road/Punchbowl Road)
Identifying, strategising, engaging and managing key internal and external stakeholders including TfNSW functional groups, the Ministerial Office, utility service providers, property owners, commercial tenants and local MPs
Managing gateway assurance and health check process
Key achievements and value-add
Produced high quality Strategic and Final Business Cases which received positive review feedback from INSW and Infrastructure Australia
Successfully obtained investment assurance approvals from both the State and Federal governments and unlocked the funding commitment within extremely tight timeframes
Enhanced the reputation of TfNSW among the state government agencies through delivery of critical commitments
Developed a prioritisation process for the Urban Mobility Program, incorporating the Placemaking requirements in line with Transport Strategy 2056
Successfully delivered twelve Pinch Points projects, achieving all public commitments and expectations
Successfully procured specialised contractors to deliver environmentally sensitive projects which involved removal of ten underground fuel tanks, hazardous material removal, remediating contaminated soil and demolition of existing industrial structures next to residential units