Western Sydney Rapid Bus Project
Transport for NSW
Services our people provided
Financial and Commercial Advisory Services to support TfNSW’s detailed planning and Final Business Case
Services period
2021 – 2022
Key Etheus personnel were engaged as lead the Financial and Commercial Advisor team to support Transport for NSW (TfNSW) in undertaking the detailed planning and Final Business Case for the Western Sydney Rapid Bus Project (WSRBP).
The proposed WSRBP is proposed to establish a new rapid bus network to serve Western Parkland City (WPC) in Greater Sydney, including connecting the existing centres of Liverpool, Greater Penrith and Campbelltown-Macarthur with the new Western Sydney International Airport (WSI) and the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.
The scope of the WSRBP included the procurement of a fleet of zero emissions double decker buses (ZEB), development of a bus depot and other supporting infrastructure (such as bus stops, layovers and charging equipment), and maintenance and operations of the buses and infrastructure delivered through the project.
Our people’s involvement
Leading the planning and implementation of a market sounding exercise with ZEB bus manufacturers, bus operators, designers, construction contractors, transport systems providers and financiers
Leading the planning and development of a delivery strategy to support the Final Business Case including zero emission buses, bus related infrastructure, bus priority measures and bus stop infrastructure
Undertaking comprehensive financial modelling, risk modelling and affordability analysis
Preparing the financial and commercial sections of the Final Business Case
Supporting the WSRBP project team to successfully complete the TfNSW project assurance process
Key achievements and value-add
Market sounding processes were best practice.
The delivery strategy assessment process considered commercial frameworks for delivery by assessing:
Packaging options – smaller individual packages vs larger integrated packages
Market capacity and appetite – market sounding feedback
Procurement approach – two stage EOI/RFP process
Risk appetite and allocation – interface risks, defects, layovers and turnaround infrastructure, patronage risk, site acquisition and approvals
Financing / Funding models – Operator financing, progress payments, service charges and upfront funding
Contract models – Construct Only, Design and Construct, Managing Contractor, Alliance, Design Build Operate Maintain, Public Private Partnership
We successfully delivered all key deliverables on time for incorporation into the WSRBP Final Business Case and assisted the TfNSW project team through the assurance process.